Outrageously Good Stuffed Celery

 Cut celery stalks in half and set aside Outrageously Good Stuffed Celery Outrageously Good Stuffed Celery

4 - 5 stalks celery - washed and dried
1 8 oz cream cheese - softened
1/4 cup bacon - chopped
1/2 cup cheddar cheese - grated
1 tablespoon fresh parsley - chopped
And many more.

  • First step, Cut celery stalks in half and set aside. Using a food processor or hand held mixer, whip the cream cheese until smooth. Add in bacon, cheese, parsley, chives, salt, pepper and hot sauce. Pulse or blend until all ingredients are combined.
  • Step two, Using a small spoon, fill the celery "boat" with cream cheese mixture. Sprinkle with addition chives and bacon if desired. Serve immediately!
  • Step 3, .
  • Thanks to: https://www.asouthernsoul.com/outrageously-good-stuffed-celery/

  • Rated 4/5 based on 62 Reviews

